Why Practice Basic Math Facts:
Having a quick recall of basic facts comes in handy when you’re doing long division or multi-digit multiplication (not to mention algebra and more!). Knowing your basic facts lets your brain think about other important math stuff.
How to Memorize Basic Facts:
• Get Flashcards – write basic math facts (one operation at a time, please—addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division!). You can make them or buy them; they’re not expensive.
• Have a grownup flash the cards to you at a fairly fast pace—you don’t want to have too much time to think or use your fingers!
• Your grownup will put the cards you answered quickly and correctly in one pile.
• Your grownup will put the cards you hesitated on or got wrong in another pile.
• Now focus on the pile you didn’t know.
• On a separate piece of paper, write down the entire fact (4 + 7 = 11). Write fairly big.
• Next trace the entire fact with one color crayon as you say the fact aloud.
• Repeat the above step with a different color crayon. (This memorization technique is called “Rainbow Writing” and is useful for memorizing spelling words, too.)
• Now have a grownup flash the hesitation cards, again making two piles.
Did you increase the number of automatically answered facts?
Only work for more than 10-15 minutes.
The brain likes to work in short bursts!