Brian Lies (pronounced “lees”) graciously answered the following questions from Emma, Gigi, Hailey, Jackie and Vincent:
1) HAILEY, VINCENT: What inspired you to write [illustrate] in the first place?
BRIAN LIES: I've always liked making stuff, and making stuff up. Plus my older sister was always going to be a writer, so like a lot of kids, I wanted to do what she did. I also loved reading books, and the idea of maybe being able to make a REAL book which other people could read was magical.
2) GIGI: What did you want to be when you (grew up) were a kid?
BL: I ran through a lot of different things I wanted to be. Here's the list, more or less in order, for my whole life so far: Fireman. Astronaut. Chemist (my father worked in organic chemistry). Herpetologist (snake scientist). Palentologist. Actor. Writer. Clinical psychologist. Political cartoonist. Children's book author and illustrator.
3) GIGI: What do you like to do besides write [illustrate]?
BL: I think that maybe I like doing too many things! I like to garden. I build furniture, and work on my house. I bicycle. I cook. I read. I paint. I like to travel, when I can.
4) GIGI: What is the book you are most proud of?
BL: It's hard to say. But if I were really forced to choose, I'd have to go with BATS AT THE LIBRARY. I had a lot of fun with the book, and I really love libraries.
5) GIGI: What is your real name?
BL: Valbeersten von Weebleborgen. But since I was born, I've gone with Brian Lies (and it's pronounced "lees.") My last name, Lies, comes from a country called Luxembourg, and arrived in the U.S. with my great-great-great grandfather.
6) GIGI: Did you like school when you were younger?
BL: I liked most of school. I liked the challenge of learning. But I didn't like some of the other students, and a couple of my classes.
7) GIGI: What is your favorite color?
BL: Blue.
8) EMMA, GIGI: How many books have you written [illustrated]?
BL: I just finished illustrating my 25th book. Out of those 25, I also wrote 5 of them.
9) EMMA, GIGI: Who are your [favorite] characters?
BL: My favorite character in MY books is the little bat with the yellow floaties who's experiencing new things for the first time. In other people's books, some of my favorites are the main character from Jean Craighead George's "My Side of the Mountain," Hagrid from the Harry Potter books, and Wilbur, from "Charlotte's Web."
10) JACKIE: How many times on average do you rewrite a book before it is approved by an editor?
BL: A lot depends on the book. With my rhyming books, I go through 24-31 rewrites, trying to tweak the words so that they sound like someone talking instead of someone beating you over the head with rhyming words. Once I'm working with my editor, I may only rewrite a story two or three times.
Some great answers to other burning questions can be found on
Brian’s website. Make sure you have a grownup with you when you “surf the web.”