Sunday, January 9, 2011

Feeding Geese

Have you ever fed the birds at a park? It’s fun! There are several things to keep in mind when you’re feeding wild birds. What do you feed them? How do you get them to eat your food? Can you chase them?

The worst thing to feed the wild birds is moldy bread. It could make them sick! The best thing to do is to get cracked corn, hen scratch (cracked corn, wheat, barley, and oats), and duck pellets from the feed store. Ask your grownup nicely if they’ll take you and help you buy some.

When you get to the park, it’s best to be quiet and move slowly. You don’t want to scare the birds. Watch where you walk because there’s probably poop on the ground. Bring a beach chair and sit, watching the birds. Do you see some swimming? Are they diving? What do you notice? Are they sitting on a nest? Don’t disturb them! That’s not nice. How would you like it if you were a baby bird and your parents were stressed out? Above all, don’t chase them. They won’t trust you or come to you and eat your food if you’re wild and out of control.

Sprinkle the feed on the ground near the edge of the pond. You can even sprinkle it in a “path” that leads closer to your chair. Then sit down, wait patiently, and chances are a brave bird will start nibbling your way. (info, coloring pages, a maze, etc.) (info)

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